This event will take place under strict Covid-19 Alert Level rules. Please note the change of venue to the Scottish Hall (10 Tyne Street, Ōamaru) to allow for appropriate social distancing.
Maximum audience will be 50 people
According to the Alert Level 2 rules, if you go to an event, you legally must keep 1 metre apart from people you do not know. We encourage you to wear a face covering if physical distancing is difficult.
Seats will be spaced 2m apart.
We ask you to sign in either by using the NZ COVID Tracer app or by providing your details on a record-keeping form.
If you are feeling unwell, stay home and call Healthline or your doctor for advice. Even if you have been vaccinated against COVID-19, you should still stay home if you are feeling unwell.
The Waitaki Whitestone Geopark presents
Ko Puketapu te mauka
Southern Gateway to the Geopark
E ngā mana Recognising the mana
E ngā reo and voice
E ngā tangata o te motu of the people of this place
Join us to learn more about the Waihemo ward of the Waitaki District, and the projects the Puketapu Community Trust is working on to realise the potential of the area’s natural and man-made assets.
Our current projects are:
a new all-year-round track to the summit of Puketapu;
the return of the Palmerston Town Hall to community ownership and use;
continuing oral history recordings of local identities.
A presentation by the Puketapu Community Trust:
The Puketapu Community Trust has eight trustees and several advisers. We aim to improve living in this community by:
re-invigorating neglected activities and cultural infrastructure
preserving and promoting the best features of Waihemo to develop community pride
improving the visitor experience — for more than a “pee and a pie”.
We hope to achieve this by creating a future in which everyone benefits from our bi-cultural
6 - 7pm Thursday 16 September Scottish Hall, 10 Tyne Street, Ōamaru