The Waitaki Whitestone Geopark presents:
A Story through time
Gondwana - Zealandia - Waitaki
In this talk, illustrated with maps and scenic images, Nick will explain the special origins of our local continent Te Riu-a-Māui/ Zealandia as part of the supercontinent of Gondwana. What are continents and supercontinents and why do they break up and collide? This story of our Gondwana origins is told in the older greywacke and schist rocks of the Waitaki Whitestone Geopark.
A presentation by Nick Mortimer
Nick Mortimer is a geologist at GNS Science’s Dunedin office. He has worked on many aspects of onland and offshore regional geology and tectonics of New Zealand, Zealandia and the South West Pacific.
6 - 7pm Thursday 17 February
Scottish Hall, Ōamaru
Events under the Red Traffic Light rules:
Vaccine Passes required
Signing-in mandatory
Mask wearing at all times
Please note that this event might be postponed in case of a local Omicron outbreak. Please check our website and Facebook page for latest updated.