Join us on an exciting bus tour along the Coast of the Geopark! As we drive past Kakanui, explore Campbells Bay and head up to the Moeraki Peninsula Lookout Point our Geoeducator Sasha, local storyteller Mike Gray and our Coordinator Lisa will take you through the geological and cultural stories of this area of the Geopark.
This bus tour has been arranged for the Waitaki Tourism Association members and with a number of free seats left we would like to extend the invite to the public.
Bus tour details:
Wednesday, 21 April
The bus will be leaving Oamaru from Scott's Brewery carpark at 4.00pm sharp and arriving back in town at 6.00pm
Registration is necessary as we have limited seats on the bus. Please email Lisa at to register for the bus tour.
Pictured: Campbells Bay, Kakanui