Great news for the Waitaki Whitestone aspiring Global Geopark! The Waitaki District Council has confirmed its commitment to financially support the Waitaki Whitestone Geopark Trust in the early years of its Long Term Plan 2021-31.
In May this year, the Waitaki Whitestone Geopark Trust made a submission to the Waitaki District Council's Long Term Plan 2021-31 consultation process to provide an underwrite of baseline funding and dedicated project funding to the Trust for a defined period to support its mission to establish a UNESCO Global Geopark in the Waitaki district. Thank you to all our supporters who came to Council to back our submission on the 25 May 2021.
This support will enable the Trust to deliver on its strategy. COVID-19 has inspired a review of the Geopark Trusts’ strategy so that it is focused on:
Community engagement
Protection of our geological heritage and landscapes
Partnership with local iwi
Strengthened local identity
Enhancement of Vanished World Fossil Discovery Centre in Duntroon
Benefits from domestic and eventually future international visitation will still be important and will accrue as outcomes of the strategy.